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More than a food pantry or shelter...

The Zestos family consists of many faithful volunteers reaching out in the name of Jesus and living out their faith as they care for needs right here at home! We do this by providing food, clothing, shelter and a variety of other resources. We help people access the available services they need by sharing the tenderhearted mercy, kindness and good news of Christian fellowship.

A key function of Zestos is encouraging believers to step outside their personal comfort zone and experience the joy of reaching out to a lost soul with the love of Jesus Christ. We can still be found knocking on the door of a family in need armed with nothing more than a willing spirit and a bag of groceries. Although it's not easy to knock on that first door - this kind or action is life changing for us and our neighbor. After all, what could be more worthwhile?

I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. John 4:35

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1008 3rd Avenue

PO Box 292

Alton, Iowa 51003

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